Modeling club “Zeppelin”

Name of the organization: Modeling club "Zeppelin"
Headquarters and the address of the organization: Drage Gervaisa 20, 51000 Rijeka
OIB: 41119748674
Telephone: 051 300737
Name and surname of the president/chairman:  Igor Petrović
Name and surname of the secretary: Vojislav Jereb
Year of foundation: 1993.
Register date: 12.10.2006
Register number: 08002439
Registered at: Office for General administration of Primorsko-Goranska County
Geographical area of association's operation: Primorsko-goranska County
Number of members: 10 permanent and 12 honorary members

Modeling club “Zeppelin” was established in 1993, as a non-formal union of modelers from Rijeka, Matulji, Opatija, Kraljevica and Krk, whose members were active for many years before the formal registration of the club in 2006. The association was established with the goal of encouragement and promotion of modeling in our county.

The main aim of “Zeppelin” is to bring together current and future modelers, and to promote modeling through organized, quality and professional conduction of various activities focused towards raising professionalism and literacy of youth, members and general population in the domain of modeling. In 1993, first modeling exhibit was organized in City of Rijeka museum, accompanied with photography exhibit.

The association brings together people dealing with ship modeling, creation of static models of ships, airplanes and vehicles, as well as figurines. All of the members actively exhibit their models on national and international competitions, and often represent Croatia on European and world competitions and exhibits. During the years, many members of “Zeppelin” have won numerous domestic and international medal and accolades.